We are constantly inundated with new tech tools. From platforms, to apps, devices, and more the sheer number of options can be paralyzing. As reflective practitioners, instructional designers, and educators its necessary to stay abreast of trends and advancements that might help us design more effective learning. The challenge of picking the right tech tool for the right purpose is one that won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Finding that sweet spot where functionality, purpose, and accessibility meet is worth the work.
We've all been on the unfortunate end of receiving unwanted text messages from companies. Sales, discounts, and coupons. Sometimes I'll keep receiving the messages out of some misplaced sense of guilt, weird, I know. But what if we could harness this technology to the benefit or our learners and workplaces. Mobile technologies provides us with the speed and flexibility to reach many at once.
I've designed a plan to help a very specific population that takes advantage of mobile technology and text messaging. I've used pseudonyms and mock designs, but the plan could work for any organization that needs to communicate a lot of information quickly. Here's a quick introduction to the plan:
Cadets who attend the SkyForce Academy, a four-year military service university, are required to sign out and in when they leave campus. This process is known simply as the “Passes Policy”. With the experience of Covid-19 and the hybrid and asynchronous experiences that it brought, many cadets have failed to make the transition to meet full in-person expectations. At any point in time, squadrons can be recalled for accountability purposes or for rapid deployment. Without proper sign-out and sign-in procedures being met, the whereabouts of individual cadets cannot be efficiently or accurately ascertained. In November 2022, a shooter opened fire in a local bar; 25 were injured and five were killed. Cadets were recalled to ensure all were safe. This tragic event highlights the need for cadets to complete the sign-out and sign-in process with fidelity 100 percent of the time.
Check out the full project plan below:
Project Plan
Project InformationProject Title Off-Campus Pass Expectations and Guidelines
Project Description This project has been initiated to increase the rate of cadets signing out and in when leaving campus. Mobile technologies will provide reminders, guidelines, and access to the sign-in/out portal. This project will support members by highlighting accountability and maintaining the squadron's readiness and safety.
Roles and ResponsibilitiesInstructional Designer Cassandra Lock
Project Stakeholder(s) Jamie Halloway, AOC (Air Officer Commanding)
Subject Matter Expert(s) Jamie Halloway, AOC Zachariah Powers, AMT (Academy Military Trainer)
Project DeliverablesDescription of Deliverables This project includes:
One 20 minute session outlining expectations, guidelines, and regulations regarding passes
5-week text message campaign that includes a link to
One-page policy memo
/out portal via Falcone Net

Implementation & Measurement Ethical Dilemmas
Cadets have access to the Falcone Net app within which they can sign in and out when they leave campus. This app could be utilized for this project but would present additional challenges such as
Updating the app to send notifications reminding cadets to sign in and out
Ensuring all students download and open the app regularly
Using an app is less equitable in that we cannot guarantee each cadet has access to a working smartphone
Considering the above factors, a text message campaign that provides a link to the app is preferable. Cadets also have access to paper sign-out/sign-in, but this will be more difficult to track success.
Technology Requirements Commanders (AOCs): Platform such as Simple Textin that allows squadron leaders to send mass text messages. AOC has access to the phone numbers of cadets. Cadets need to have a working cellular device, but not necessarily a smartphone.
Measurement of Success As a result of this campaign, cadets will sign out, with no errors, each time they leave campus and sign back in when they return. AOC will use the tracking feature in the Falcone App to track progress.
Regulations and Guidelines in-person session to be scheduled during the first two weeks of the Fall semester.
Text message campaign to begin the weekend following the initial Fall session. Reminder texts will be sent Friday at three pm and Sunday at seven p.m. each weekend for at least five weeks (Mass text Mock up).
Campaign can be extended for any number of days or weeks based upon success.
Risks/ConstraintsAOC has the authority to implement this project without approval, however, a copy of this plan will be sent up the chain of command for communicative purposes. Cadets with frequent or blatant infractions will be dealt with on an individual basis.